
Opportunity to Match our Hopes & Dreams

We know that in our society and here in Western North Carolina many people are not thriving due to a lack of opportunity. In other words, they don’t have the tools or resources, access to experiences or connections to fulfill their hopes and dreams, be able to fully share their gifts, and succeed. At BeLoved, we know that the opportunity gap is also tied to systemic racism and poverty. We are committed to changing policies and working to close the gaps in a number of ways. We work to create access for people to the things they need for life. We work to break the cycle of poverty and end racism and support whole neighborhoods and families in thriving.

Youth getting involved
Beloved in the Community

There is a major opportunity gap in our city and region. Too many do not have access to the things that would help them thrive: opportunities to learn, living wage jobs, cultural experiences and recreation, access to information and technology, access to the basic necessities of life. This opportunity gap creates serious challenges for our community as a whole leaving too many people especially children behind. This opportunity gap creates deep poverty and furthers community instability and challenges.  


At BeLoved, we want to support young people and adults in reaching their goals. We work diligently to create access to opportunities and resources wherever possible to support children, youth, and adults in thriving.  We know that too often children and youth lack the tools that they need for success in school and in life. We know children need positive experiences in their neighborhoods and communities as well as with their families. We work to create those positive experiences and give kids and youth access to the full community through activities and cultural events.   


We also provide opportunities for adults for certifications, support in going back to school, or networking into jobs and careers. We give cars, bikes and bus tickets to support transportation which often prevents people from having opportunities. We support people in career and personal development as well as their connections to the community. Our Community Leadership Network creates opportunities for BIPOC and low wealth people to be leaders in creating change. We create opportunities for leadership development and work collaboratively to solve neighborhood and community problems.  


Many of our other projects support creating opportunities for people in our community including the BeLoved Villages project creating deeply affordable homes with equity; our food equity and health equity projects as we create access to the resources for people to live and thrive in their communities; and our racial equity work.

Opportunity Impacts

Since 2017


school supplies, educational toys, & books shared


 youth and adults gained new skills, connected to jobs, or educational opportunities


 resources shared to support family thriving 


people gained access to transportation

Supported impacted people in speaking out to elected officials & getting appointed to policy making boards

Helped youth and adults in going to college, obtaining certificates and licensures for new careers paying living wages

Supporting youth and their families through educational advocacy, cultural access to the arts, ongoing leadership through community service, and working for equity in all areas of life.

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