We are so grateful to the community for your continued support throughout this Pandemic! All of our work has shifted to making sure our most vulnerable and impacted communities have access to essential items and their basic human needs are being met.

We have shared over 56,000 pounds of rescued food, over 1,250 prepared meals while supporting locally owned businesses and latinx workers through our #ComidaDeEsperanza Project. We shared essential items for kids through our #WingsForKids Project and have multiple gardens growing throughout the area to support our #PlantsForThePeople Project. A huge thank you to community members for helping make #MasksForThePeople an alarming success! We have shared over 2,545 masks as of the beginning of May.

Our Street Outreach has been focused around COVID-19 since late February and has continued to grow as there are more and more people suffering through this pandemic. Our newest addition to the streets through this pandemic is our #BeLovedStreetPantry and the #BeLovedPetRestaurant. We have 2 pantries located in downtown that folks can access at all hours. We also know that owning a pet is one of the main reasons folks can’t access shelters and/or pet food.

Throughout this heartbreaking crisis, we have seen an unbelievable amount of love, loyalty, and generosity from not only our community who support us, but the folks we have met along the way who are suffering loss of jobs, homes, and any support they may have had prior to the pandemic. Some of the most heartbreaking stories have resulted in the best collaborations and people becoming leaders in their own communities. Folks in elder apartment buildings who had never met their neighbors are now helping distribute food boxes to folks who haven’t left since late February. This is what community looks like!!

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"BeLoved constantly is in the “eye of the storm” providing for those in need and helping us to remember the humanity in all."

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 6386

Asheville, NC 28816 


Large Mailed Items

1302 Patton Ave. # 6386

Asheville, NC 28806


Donation Center

32 Old Charlotte Hwy

Asheville, NC 28803


11am -1pm


Call Us

(828) 571-0766
